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№ 5(23) 01 september 2010 year
Rubric: Teaching materials
The author: Fathutdinov R. A.

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In the continuation of the eighth theme, the author describes experts methods of valuation and their application area. There is a particular interest in the proposed scoring system for predicting useful effect, allowing to calculate the cost of the new object. The ninth issue is devoted to management of quality and consumers service on the examples of Japan, the U. S., Western European and Russian experience. The author describes the standards for quality management systems, in most cases used as national.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: Competitive Strategies and Tactics
The author: YAkobashvili D. M.

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What is the specific of competition in the markets of juices and dairy products? What should contain the state competition policy in these markets? What are the defects observed in the new law about the regulation of trade activity? What are the competitive advantages of business in the food markets? What are the components of competitiveness? Answers to these and other questions are contained in a conversation with David Mikhailovich lakobachvili, well-known Russian businessman, co-founder of the largest Russian producer of dairy products and beverages — Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: Competitive Strategies and Tactics
The author: Matvienko D. Y.

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In the article the essence of strategic alliances is considered. Various approaches to understanding of strategic alliances and their place in system of intercompany interaction are described. Using of stra¬tegic alliances in rivalry interaction of the companies at strategic and tactical levels is investigated.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: Competitive Russia
The author: Smirnova E. S.

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The development present stage is characterized by competition growth at all levels. Revealing of the economic nature of a world competition, the analysis of forms and circumstances, the basic a ten¬dency and the contradiction of development in the conditions of global economy become actual not only in scientific, but also in the practical relation. Representatives of the power and business even more often mark presence of competitive struggle between territories, are interested in its parameters and estimations, address to questions of formation of those or other competitive advantages.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
The author: Kinev A. Y.

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In this article a brief historical overview of presence of the cartels in Russian legislation is given. Rus¬sia is among those countries where the government already in the middle of the XIX century realized clear public danger of anticompetitive agreements and the need to fight with this phenomenon. At the present stage the antitrust law including the prohibition of anti-competitive agreements is one of the most dynamically developing branches of Russian law.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: FAS: antitrust
The author: Pisenko K. A.

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This article is devoted actual theoretical and practical problems of application and use in Russia among force in law measures of the state antimonopoly control of such measure, as exaction in the federal budget of incomes illegally received as a result of infringements of the antitrust law. In the first part from dogmatic methods legal regulation of the given measure is considered. In the second part of article author analyses the problem de lege ferenda. One of the central objects of the article — legal position of The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the question of constitutionality of exaction in the federal budget of illegal incomes in the Russian Federation antitrust system.
