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№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Bogdanov D. D.

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In the following article the author tries to trace the change in views on the nature and the moving forces of competition, a regular process that accompanies the development of economic systems. The emphasis is given to the opposition of static and dynamic competition theories.

№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: Competition rules
The author: Gorodov O. A.

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The article gives a detailed description of direct discredit and enumerates its features. Direct discredit is one of the types of unfair competition prohibited by the Federal Law «On Competition Protection*. On the basis of the legal analysis of the Federal Law regulations, court decisions, and specialized scientific literature the author reveals a specific character of spreading false, inaccurate, or distorted information that may bring material losses to an economical subject or damage their business name. The author sums up experience of legal regulation of competitive relations and expresses his view on how to tackle separate issues of direct discredit.

№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: Competitiveness of business
Authors: Pungin I. V., Pungina V. S.

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The article reveals purposes of competitive capacity evaluation for various objects and subjects of economic relations, analyzes and systemizes various competitive capacity rates on the basis of subjects for research, defines such basic categories of the system and reproduction approach as intensification, efficiency, competitive capacity; works out requirements to rates and methods of competitive capacity evaluation of an enterprise; develops the system for a choice of efficiency and competitive capacity rates of an enterprise on the basis of the system and reproduction approach. This system includes production, financial, market and socio-ecological efficiency.

№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: Competitiveness of business
The author: Lednev M.

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Recently the rapid growth of the Russian factoring market has led to tough competition among its participants. The article deals with the peculiarities of competitive advantages formation of factoring companies that are the basis of their competitive capacity. Furthermore the author describes the process of competitive capacity formation of a factoring company at the development, sales and promotion stages of its products. The article also reveals methods for managing competitive capacity of a factoring company.

№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition
The author: CHekulaev M. V.

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It is believed that the use of cutting edge technologies is a key to increasing competitive capacity of an agrofirm. However, it is a very narrow view upon a competition issue in the sphere of agriculture that is governed by numerous details and nuances the understanding of which broadens the idea of key areas for making efforts by management in order to increase competitive capacity. Competitive capacity issues of an agrofirm are studied from this very position.

№ 1(19) 01 january 2010 year
Rubric: Industry competition
The author: Kovalenko A.

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The article gives prove to the idea that competitive relations in the market of higher education are far from being civilized, regulated, and protected from monopolization and dominance. The national educational law and subordinate legislation in the sphere of education aimed at regulating and stimulating educational relations are used as a means of unfair competition, make for monopolization of professional education markets. It all happens due to the fact that the legislator and educational authorities fail to realize the necessity for antimonopoly monitoring and regulation of this area. The author shows some of the norms and reveals their anticompetitive character.
