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№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Buryakova E. S.

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As a rule, the business companies that have the efficiently operating personnel gain competitive advantages in modern business. As a rule, the company customers can see the «external appearance» of the company operation and cannot know, for instance, what ideas the company management produces that could be good for the customers and can be used for the customers' profit. In this case the experience and expertise and the personal traits the company client service personnel have become extremely important. It is necessary to manage the HR in order to make the personnel characteristics conform to the company strategic image. One of the «company secrets» the successful businesses have is paying constant attention to and managing the HR whose importance is not easy to calculate using the mathematical figures.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Murashov F. K.

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The article author is one of the best Russian top managers operating in the HR development and management sector. He took the 16th place in the Top 200 HR Directors list compiled by the Rus¬sian Managerial Association. Mr. Murashov published his book Аuctor: the Researching Man in 2008. The author unveils the creative thinking secrets and gives his recommendations to those who wish to become a creative thinker and a researcher. He describes the tools that could be used to develop these abilities. This is a book that can be of interest for those who want to become a true professional and a perfect master in business and in research and science.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: Professional competence
The author: Baranova N. V.

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The Federal EDUCATION project that is placed high on the national priorities list stresses the idea of the competence-based approach use when the curriculum is formed. The approach was intro¬duced in Russia after the country had become part of the Bologna process and had developed the new programs of study using the competence-based approach in order to meet the requirements of the business community and the local community organizations. If such programs are developed, the currently operating and the newly built business entities and production companies that offer their services to the public will be more competitive. The article author shares her experience gained during the curriculum building process at one of the leading Russian higher education institutions. She puts the questions that the members of the academic and business communities need to discuss.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: CHernikov A. V.

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The author provides the analysis of how enterprise performance assessment changed throughout history. The changes in the concept of the enterprise competitiveness are linked to the enterprise's development process changes. Such an approach helps define the main principles of enterprise competitiveness building. The author is the first one to introduce the definition of enterprises' attractiveness for innovations introducers.
№ 3(9) 01 may 2008 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Sokolov Y. I.

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The global economy and the national economies exert some influence upon one another, and the influence is increasing. International migration of financial, commercial, current, innovation-based, and intellectual capitals makes the national and world market competition fiercer and changes the market organization. The national economies become more intertwined, and the modern core capital extended reproduction opportunities depend on this interdependency. The globalization and the competition itself influence the developed and underdeveloped economies' development but the patterns of influence are different for the two economy types. The issues connected with the globalization consequences and the permanent economic entities' wishes to be independent are still unresolved. The Russian economy keeps increasing the volumes of the exported equipment needed for the key core capital reproduction sectors. As a result, it is becoming increasingly dependent on the competitors' behavior. The prospects related to the innovations introduction are vague.
№ 4(10) 01 july 2008 year
Rubric: Сompetitiveness
Authors: ZHigun L. A., Tret`yak N. A.

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A competition stage determining methodology available now does not meet many of the modern accuracy-related requirements set by the competition theorists and practitioners. First of all, the characteristics of the competition stage changes are not covered by it. Here the analysts and practitioners have to rely upon their intuitive understanding that can give them only a vague and fragmented picture of the competition stage. The article authors study a case of the Russian Far East Primopsky Region liquor market. They have developed a methodology that can be used to better examine the competition stages and its characteristics.