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Intangible asset management aimed at enhancing the company competitiveness level

Published in № 2(2) 01 march 2007 year
Authors: Ivlieva N. N., SHishlyaev D. V.
Today the competitive advantages of the company are to a great extent determined by the patens, licenses, trademarks, and goodwill it has. A good example of this is the market activity of the new so called «de-capitalized» companies where there is often a small ordinary capital that are engaged in brand management. It is noteworthy that the market competition development brings about the notion that the asset values are less connected with the actual value of the company and more with the intangible asset value the company has (its brand, goodwill, etc.) Probably this is the reason why the following point of view prevails on the Russian market today: intangible assets are one of the best leverages in the market activity management.

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