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The author: Klejner G. B.     Published in № 4(100) 31 august 2024 year
Rubric: The theory of competition

Systems Economy, Justice Society, Effective Competition: The Imperatives of the Next Day

The task of substantiating the image and the main features of the desirable and possible future of the Russian economy is one of the urgent problems of the economic science. The paper implements an integrated approach to the study of the future. This study combines certain methods of systems analysis of the economy, conceptual analysis of social justice and constructive design of competition relations. The methodological peculiar feature of this study is about the consideration of systems economy as its voluminous description in the form of a combination of systems economic theory, systems economic policy, systems economic management, systems economic practice. The characteristic features of these four subsystems of the future economy that differs from the current economy have been studied. A comparative analysis of the principles of the Russian systems economy and the ideas of the Confucian tradition in China makes it possible to see the similarities of these two teachings and to formulate the features of the trajectory of development of the Russian economy, considering the experience of the development of the PRC economy. As soon as major agents of the systems economy are economic systems, the problem of constructing the concept of justice in relations between the systems arises. The corresponding theory has been developed in this paper on the basis of the systems paradigm. The general concept of effective competition has been examined using the example of competition between socio-economic ecosystems as relatively stable complexes of organizations, business processes, innovative projects and infrastructure systems. It has been shown that the competition between ecosystems of the same type is the most significant (object, process, project or environmental). The position of competition among the major relations between the participants in the economic activity from indifference to consolidation (merger) has been determined. The main features of the desired and the possible future of the Russian economy and the society have been substantiated.

Key words

economy, society, competition, consistency, justice, efficiency, Confucian tradition, image of the future

The author:

Klejner G. B.


Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of Mesoeconomics, Microeconomics, Corporate Economics Scientific Department, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS); Scientific Director, Department of Modeling and System Analysis, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Head of Institutional Economics Department, State University of Management


Moscow, Russia