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Authors: Vazhenina I., Vazhenin S.     Published in № 1(97) 29 february 2024 year
Rubric: Regional development and management

Vitality as a Competitive Advantage of a Territory

The article substantiates the phenomenon of resilience as one of the competitive advantages of the territory. The authors draw attention to the fact that the relevance of preserving and increasing the resilience of regions and municipalities is increasingly increasing in the conditions of a modern turbulent economy. It is noted that in crisis and destructive situations, the competitive advantages of regions and municipalities are transformed. It is emphasized that competitive advantages are quite multifaceted and flexible. The features of exogenous and endogenous competitive advantages of the territory in the modern economic space are revealed. The article analyzes approaches to the concept of territorial sustainability, clarifies the concept of territorial resilience, and identifies priority conditions and resources for preserving and increasing resilience. The authors emphasize that the theoretical aspects of the viability of territories, methodological tools for assessing its potential, as well as ways and mechanisms for increasing it are just beginning to be developed. Attention is focused on the need for the development of regions and municipalities to focus on their territorial individuality, especially when developing and implementing programs to overcome crisis and shock situations. The article proposes a consideration of territorial individuality as a special socio-economic institution for the development of regions and municipalities, which is especially relevant in the context of modern challenges. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the formulation of the conclusion that, under existing conditions, the viability of a territory is needed not so much for successful competition in the economic space, which in itself is very important, but for quickly overcoming crisis and shock situations in a turbulent economy with fewer losses. During the research process, general scientific methods were used, in particular the dialectical method, the unity of historical and logical, abstraction, analogies, etc. The results of the research can be used in the development and implementation of projects to increase the viability of territories in a modern competitive economic space.

Key words

vitality of territories, competitive advantages of territories, territorial individuality, economic turbulence, economic space

The author:

Vazhenina I.


Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS


Ekaterinburg, Russia

The author:

Vazhenin S.


Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Senior Researcher, Head of the Sector of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS


Ekaterinburg, Russia