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№6(90) 2022

  • Competitive Intelligence as a Tool for Achieving Economic Security of an Organization
  • The Compound Impact of Network Effects, Critical Mass, and Standartization on Competition in the Operating System Market
  • The Effect of the Interpretation of Company Behavior on the Analysis of Market Boundaries
  • The Possibility and Expediency of Marketing Variability in the Conditions of a Scarce Market (the Case of the Market of Solid-rolled Wheels-957)
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№5(89) 2022

  • Competitive Assessment of the Marketing Potential of a Sport
  • Lobbying in the USA as a Competitive Tool
  • Unevenness of Digitalization as a Macroeconomical Source of Imbalanсe in a Business Environment
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№4(88) 2022

  • Analysis of the Competitive Environment in the Electronics Market: the Global Crisis of the Semiconductor Industry and Global Development Trends
  • Corporate Conflict as a Factor in the Positive Development of Socio-economic Relations
  • Digital Business Ecosystems as a Growth Driver for Startups
  • Econometric Modeling of the Markets Boundaries
  • The Phenomenon of Bargaining Power on the Competitive Product Markets
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№3(87) 2022

  • Competition in the Consumer Services Market in the Context of Digitalization
  • Competitive Strategies of Public Procurement Bidders
  • Digitalization of Business as a Factor of Increasing its Competitiveness
  • Problems of Improving Entrepreneurial Education in Russia
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№2(86) 2022

  • Concentration and Competition in Modern Banking Sector of Serbia: Changes and Decomposition of Herfindahl – Hirschman Index
  • Formation of a Competitive Environment in the Market of Electronic Payment Systems
  • Theoretical and Methodological Content of the Concept “Competitive Advantage”
  • Energy Commodity Exchanges in Russia: Protection Against Shocks or Monopolies?
  • Process Innovations as the Value of Trade and Technological Processes
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№1(85) 2022

  • Teaching Entrepreneurial Communications Using Educational Platforms: Russian and Foreign Practices
  • Creative Tourism as a Factor in the Development of the Russian Tourism Business
  • Features of Corporate Conflicts in Russian Entrepreneurship
  • Features of Teaching Entrepreneurship in Non-core Areas in the Bachelor’s Degree
  • Сompetitive Advantages of IT Companies in the Digital Economy
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№4(84) 2021

  • Continuous Entrepreneurship Education: Formation of an Innovative Model (2021 Experience)
  • Implementation of a Discount Policy the Shortage B2B Markets: a Marketing Ploy or Price Discrimination?
  • Quality of Education as a Factor of University Competitiveness
  • Competitive Advantages as an Element of the Strategy of an Educational Organization (Based on the V. L. Kvint’s Methodology)
  • From Competition to Competitive Cooperation: New Paradigm for Territories Development
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№3(83) 2021

  • Cross-subsidization in the Electric Power Industry: Current State and Problem-solving Vectors
  • Individual Abuse of Collective Dominance in Cellular Communications: Problems of Identification
  • The Price Discrimination on the Shortage Markets: Theoretical Analysis
  • Modeling Investment Alliances: Trends, Institutions, Roles
  • Competitive Organizational Competences of the University
  • Digitalization of Commercial Activity of Russian Companies as a Factor of Their Competitiveness
  • Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the FAS of the Russian Federation Based on the Indicator of Consumer Surplus
  • Tactical Competition Model Application in Restaurant Services Industry at Different Lifecycle Stages of Organization
  • Threats to the Digital Markets Development Basing on Analysis of the «Yandex.Taxi» Aggregator
  • Features of Digital Video Content Consumption on the YouTube Platform
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№2(82) 2021

  • Bachelor degree university program: common context of learning entrepreneurship courses
  • On normative fixation of rector's competence in management of the competitiveness of Russian universities
  • The techno-startup course of the School of entrepreneurship as an introduction to innovation
  • Formation of investment attractiveness of a gaming virtual team based on goodwill management in cybersport
  • Methodological forks of antimonopoly regulation of digital markets: ideas and meanings of the digital agenda of Kazakhstan
  • New schemes of investment alliances
  • Study of competition in the regional banking sector of Russia
  • Big Data as a essential facilities in the antitrust regulation of digital markets
  • The use of HR technologies by business owners in ensuring the growth of labor productivity
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