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№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: The issues of theory
The author: Baboshin A. V.

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Modern researchers have not elaborated a unified approach towards the terms competitive position and a business' competitive position yet. The term competitive position is rather often seen as a marketing term and is interpreted in the same way as a marketing position. The article author describes here his position and states that the interpretation is erroneous.
№ 2(14) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Separate opinion
The author: Mushtuk O. Z.

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The market is traditionally seen by the public as a scene where the private property is clearly domineering and where the private businesses are enjoying the real freedom. The article author enters the hot debate and describes the problems that are faced by the players who operate on the Russian market where the system-forming core of the forcefully established social relations is a thick bureaucratic layer whose members are well-protected and act as a self-governing omnipotent force. According to the author, it is impossible to change the situation for the better unless a new generation of people that would want to serve the Motherland and not themselves and their inner circle comes to power.
№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Kruglyjstol

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Конкуренция играет ключевую роль в экономической системе современной России. Конкуренция сохраняет равноправное положение участников экономических отношений — обеспечивает продавцам и покупателям свободу выбора. В условиях конкуренции покупатель имеет возможность выбрать из нескольких или многих продавцов необходимого ему товара. Такая же возможность имеется и у продавца — добровольно решить вопрос о географическом месте, времени и условиях предложения своей продукции. Конкуренция является необходимым условием существования, фундаментом всей рыночной системы — позволяет цене выполнять координирующие функции, служить индикатором наличия излишков или дефицита. Рынок существует только при наличии конкуренции. Конкуренция контролирует эффективность частного предпринимательства — заставляет структуры, неэффективно использующие имеющиеся ресурсы, покидать «поле экономической игры». Конкуренция — залог повышения эффективности бизнеса и экономического роста государства.

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Sechenova V. V.

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The periodical press has started voicing more and more critical remarks regarding the governmental anticrisis program for 2009. The criticism concerns the overlimit additional financing of the car indus¬try and the military industrial complex, high customs duties on separate products, the administrative regulation of the banking and financial sectors, and, finally, de facto refusal to change the key points in the structural politics. According to the author of the article the main reason for such deviations from the implementation of the stated long-term strategy for creating an effective market environment in the socially oriented economy is not only the lack of the competitive capacity but rather the obvious neglect of the notion at all levels (production, business, market of capitals, management decisions etc.). The steps declared in the anticrisis program and taken by the authorities are analyzed in the article from the point of view of their influence on the creation and destruction of the competitive environ¬ment in the Russian economy.

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: The theory of competition
The author: Svetunkov S.

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To continue the discussion of the article «The Essence of Competition** the editors of the journal publish Sergey Gennadievich Svetunjkov's, a famous Russian scientist's opinion on the reasons why Friedrich von Hayek's article convincing one to reject the model of «the perfect competition» did not make economists come to the same conclusion. Why 60 years after its publication do the majority of contemporary authors of text-books and scientific publications use «the perfect competition» as some benchmark inherent in the perfect market economy, and on its basis work out idealized models that contrast reality, and consider them perfect?

№ 4(16) 01 july 2009 year
Rubric: The theory of competition
The author: Degtyarev K. S.

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The discussion on Friedrich Hayek's work «The Meaning of Competition** initiated by the journal rose vivid interest among representatives of the modern competition theory. We would like to remind our readers that in «The Meaning of Competition» Hayek scrupulously and critically analyzes one of the basic notions of the neoclassical economic — the notion of «perfect competition^ Hayek opposes the dynamic understanding of competition worked out by the Austrian school to the static one ac¬cepted by neoclassic representatives. In his opinion the notion of «perfect competition» however paradoxical it may sound excludes any competitive activity. The theory of «perfect competition^ Hayek warns, is not only far from reality but very often it turns out to be a source of bad practical recommendations (such as to obligatory standardize products etc.). In the form of an open discussion the editors publish D. E. O'Grafov's ideas on the implementation of Hayek's theory in the modern conditions.
