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Authors: Burdina L., Melnikova A.     Published in № 1(97) 29 february 2024 year
Rubric: Entrepreneurship practice

Definition of Strategic Directions of Development of Commercial Bank on the Basis of the Built SWOT matrix (Part 1)

The article on the basis of the review of scientific literature reveals the theoretical aspect of the problem of growing competition in all branches of economy under the influence of a number of factors of the digital world, and also analyzes the concept of “electronic commerce (e-commerce)” as a technological innovation that in the modern world radically changes consumer behavior. The main methods used in the study – analysis, generalization, comparison and description of the obtained results, data visualization is presented in the form of graphical elements – charts and tables. The authors conducted SWOT analysis of JSC Commercial Bank “Ural FD”, which was based on the results of the previous stage of the study, namely, comparing the activities of the Bank “Ural FD” with its direct competitors on a number of criteria related to the field of electronic commerce. Thus, in this SWOT analysis the criteria by which the bank occupies leading positions in comparison with competitors are used as strengths of the company, and determinants with the largest lag from competitors – as key weaknesses respectively. Areas of threats and opportunities have been identified through the examination of the external environment from the social, political, economic, demographic and other perspectives. As a result, the authors were able to identify “bottlenecks” of the company. In doing so, it was found that the bank has a significant capacity to address them and potential threats, using its strengths and capabilities. The results of the study are of practical importance, as they will be used at the next stages of the scientific project when developing the Bank’s development strategy and specific methodological tools within the framework of the proposed directions.

Key words

organization management, digital business transformation, e-commerce, SWOT analysis, weaknesses and strengths, opportunities and threats, competition, competitive environment

The author:

Burdina L.


4th year Undergraduate Student, Humanities Faculty, Perm National Research Polytechnic University


Perm, Russia

The author:

Melnikova A.


Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor at Economics and Finance Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University


Perm, Russia