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№ 1(1) 01 january 2007 year
Rubric: Federal Law "On Protection of Competition"
Authors: Artem`ev I. Y., Sushkevich A. G.

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The new Russian Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" is aimed at making business rela¬tions between the state bodies, businesses and consumers absolutely transparent. The principle upon which the competitors' legal relations system is built is changing radically. The law stipulates that strict measures should be taken against market monopolists and group domineering, there are restrictions in regard to the state officials' competitive rights. The provisions which concern the exterritorial use of the antimonopoly legislation are made more coherent.
№ 1(1) 01 january 2007 year
Rubric: Federal Law "On Protection of Competition"
The author: Sushkevich A. G.

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Новый закон о защите конкуренции с нетерпением ждали все, но больше всего разработчик доку мен та — Федеральная антимонопольная служба России, для которой работа над законом стала беспрецедентной и по времени, и по масштабам.
По просьбе редакции журнала о специфике и важности нового документа рассказал начальник Аналитического управления ФАС России Алексей Сушкевич. Continue...
№ 1(1) 01 january 2007 year
Rubric: Federal Law "On Protection of Competition"
The author: Bolonin E. E.

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The Russian antimonopoly law which is aimed at protecting the competitors playing at the Russian market so far is far from both an ideal and the world best practices. Nevertheless, the legislation is not something stable; it is changing for the better at a rather good pace in order to take into account the best practices the developed countries have and the modern requirements. The fact that the Russian Parliament adopted the law "On Protection of Competition" last summer is the best proof of the above point. The law includes some rather serious innovations.
№ 1(1) 01 january 2007 year
Rubric: Federal Law "On Protection of Competition"
The author: Bandurina N. V.

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The new law includes a new definition of the term "financial service". The system of the service constituent ele¬ments was changed. Each part of the financial service was defined in such a way so as to include the term service in it. The list of actions which can be interpreted as financial services is final. It means that the law developers wish to restrict the rights of some financial and non-financial organizations by defining the legislative norms.
№ 1(1) 01 january 2007 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Gel`vanovskij M. I.

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For Russia, to become more competitive means to bridge the technological gap, to use its competitive advantages to the full, to gain new advantages and to use the potential of the leading Russian companies. The state bodies and businesses should develop a policy where the strategic priority would be the shift of accents from production and processing of raw materials to mass production of hi-end hi-tech goods and services, including those meant for export.
№ 1(1) 01 january 2007 year
Rubric: Competition policy
The author: Karpunin V. I.

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It is in the national interests of the country to form an independent and stable banking system. There should be a connection between the national priorities and the policy aimed at making the national banking system competitive on the world banking services market. The role the state bodi¬es play here can hardly be overestimated. President of Russia when speaking at the latest meeting of the State Council in November 2006 said that the competitive banking system was an integral part of the independent Russian state and he was definitely right.


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