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№4(10) July-august 2008 year


Strategy and tactics

Author: M. Samosudov

The researchers have been examining the business company sustainability-related characteristics since the beginning of the 20th century. The Russian and foreign researchers have been trying to identify the approaches that should be used when examining the sustainability concept and to identify the techniques that could help find the relevant quantitative parameters. As a rule, the company sustainability is seen as the company's ability to keep the operational characteristics relatively stable within a certain period of time even provided that the external environment makes the operations "cost ineffective". The stability here is seen as not the absence of great change but the presence of such a systemic feature as the general operational efficiency and reliability. That is why the modern Russian researchers show interest in learning about the mechanisms that help maintain the companies' sustainability. The article describes the following terms: systemic sustainability, the conditions, environment and criteria used to assess the company sustainability level, the factors that contribute to the systemic sustainability changes and the mechanisms that are used to manage the company systemic sus-tainability.

The most efficient way to support small businesses is undoubtedly to establish a taxation regime that could improve the operating small businesses economic situation and could become an im¬pulse towards the small business development within the industry sector. The experience the for¬eign executive bodies have gained shows that if the small businesses' interests are taken into consideration in the course of the taxation legislation elaboration, the above goals are achieved in the short term. The available taxation systems analysis shows that the special favorable treatment regimes should be created to foster the small business development in the country. However, according to the authors, there are still controversial provisions in the legislation, and the taxpayers are against the payments they set forth.

Author: R. Martusevich

Bidding competitions organized to identify the winner that gains the right to conclude a concession agreement are one of the forms of competition for the best market share and are the most impor¬tant stage of a concession project-related organizational process development. The experience gained in different countries of the world of organizing the concession bidding competitions in various infrastructure-related sectors (power supply, water supply, transportation services, etc.) is large but the experience has shown that the competition result is not always justified as the inad¬equate criteria are used when choosing the winner. The article author shows the reasons why the state officials choose the maximal concession pay¬ment as the only criterion that can identify the best concession competition bidder.

The issues of theory

Author: A. Mal`cev

The article researches into the genesis of the "Dutch Disease" theory. The work considers the reasons and systematizes the key symptoms of "Dutch disease". Special emphasis is being put on the Russian "Dutch disease" presence diagnosis. It has been proven that "Dutch disease of de-industrialization" is not always connected with the mineral resources extraction and export.

Professional competence

The article describes the methodology and the results of the forests made to determine the future Irkutsk regional economy HR needs (within the period that ends before 2020). The human re¬sources are divided into groups depending on the level of the training they get (basic, vocational school, higher education institution). The forecast is made concerning the total number of graduates. The number is subdivided into groups that show the required number of vocational school and university graduates and the groups of interrelated specializations that are in demand. There are two types of forecasts: a strategic one and an inertial development-based one. The authors describe the approaches that can be used to make HR future needs forecasts, the work stages and the mathematical methods used. The article includes some forecast results that relate to the needs in the personnel with various level of training.

Professional competence

Author: O. Bobienko

The article describes the results of a poll conducted in the Khanty-Mansy autonomous region (Yugra) and the Republic of Tatarstan. The representatives of all kinds of businesses and organizations took part in the poll. The poll organizers analyzed the employers' requirements they set to determine the quality of training of educational institutions' graduates. The training quality determines the degree of the graduates' competitiveness on the labor market. The poll shows that the key (general) competences-related requirements have changed much recently. It means that the employers' requirements should be taken into account when universities, colleges and secondary schools develop their curricula.


Author: A. Semchenko

In order to operate well, it is extremely important for a business to develop the competitive poten¬tial, and to identify and keep the competitive advantages in a market economy. To define the term competitive advantage is a topical issue now as the businesses' growth on the international scale has become slower, and the market competitors become increasingly aggressive. It is now the main business task to identify and gain a competitive advantage and to turn it into a sustainable competitive advantage. A competitive advantage is the goods characteristics and specifications that create a competitive advantage for the goods producer and form an optimal goods charac¬teristics pattern that is good for a consumer. An advantage is seen best when different things are compared, therefore it is not an absolute property and its creation is influenced by many factors. In order to operate well, it is necessary for a business to develop a business development strategy that is based on the competitive advantages use.

A competition stage determining methodology available now does not meet many of the modern accuracy-related requirements set by the competition theorists and practitioners. First of all, the characteristics of the competition stage changes are not covered by it. Here the analysts and practitioners have to rely upon their intuitive understanding that can give them only a vague and fragmented picture of the competition stage. The article authors study a case of the Russian Far East Primopsky Region liquor market. They have developed a methodology that can be used to better examine the competition stages and its characteristics.

Industry competition

The authors examine what the main barriers are that are hampering the process of the new com¬panies' entrance into the passenger air transport market. The examination is based on the findings of the comprehensive research conducted during the winter of 2007-2008. All the RF air transport companies' information was analyzed. We have come to a conclusion that there are significant structural, technology and attitudinal barriers that hamper the process of the new companies' en¬tering into the sector market. That means that today there is a quasi-competition in this modern Russian economy. The barriers' height in the sector was examined empirically, and the respondents say that the barriers created by the administrative officials make the most significant contribu¬tion to the competition curbing. In some of the Russian regions the only airport and the air transport company available are owned by the same entity or they are managed by the affiliated companies. This leads to the high business concentration and an artificially created monopoly. Our analysis has shown that such vertically integrated structures influence in some complex way the level of the social well-being. The article authors examine the ways that could be used to overcome the barriers. They use the econometric analysis methods to show that concluding a franchise agreement is an efficient way to overcome the barriers that hamper the new companies' emergence in the Russian passenger air transport services sector.