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Yagolnitser M.

PhD in Economy, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Assessment of the relationship of brand equity indicators and their role in the management of the business (for IT-companies)

The paper proposes a cognitive approach for the analysis of brand equity. It is assumed that the brand is an intangible asset, forming long-term effects of the business strategies of the company. The study does not attempt to select a specific set of measurer’s, which is solved in detail by many authors (Aaker, 1991, Wood 2006, Pitta, Katsanis, 1995, Burmann, Jost-Benz, Riley, 2009 Andreeva, Prokofiev, 2010 Tretyak 2001, Muravskiy et al., 2012 et al.). The purpose of research — to assess the relationship of brand equity with its individual measurer’s. The main tools of analysis is a favor model represented a weighted directed graph. It describes how to build a model based on an assessment of the adjacency matrix of a directed graph. Baseline data for evaluation were formed on the basis of the analysis of surveys of IT-products market experts (manufacturers, retailers, installers — the people responsible for the implementation of the final decision). The constructed model was calibrated and tested by comparing the valuation of brands of companies such as Hewlett Packard and IBM. Results were compared with the data promulgated by the company Interbrand. The results indicate that the proposed technical approach can be used for a comprehensive assessment of brand equity and its individual components — indicators of the perception of consumers and market indicators. Herewith indicators can be elaborated taking into account the peculiarities of the markets and the detail of consumer preferences.