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Agabekov S. I.

PhD in Sociology, Gaztechleasing, Ltd.

Identification of the monopoly on derivative markets

The article is devoted to the questions of functioning markets related to base market. The problems of identification product and geographic market boundaries and monopolization of base market influence on such markets are analyzed. As an example in the research the telecom market is considered.


The competition on the infrastructure markets

Some market area estimation features are described in the article for the markets where production is transmitted only one method. The tariff policy and state adjustment influence on market’s competitive researching is investigated. Some updating to method of market’s competitive researching are suggested.

Measure to assess market dominance and Herfindahl–Hirschman index. Characteristics comparison and applications

Widely used in the antitrust laws Herfindahl–Hirschman Index evaluates the level of market concentration. However, it fails to say whether the share of one or more firms is so high that it leads to high monopoly prices. This encourages researchers to propose new methods of assessing the level of market power. The article deals with one of these new criteria proposed by Melnik A., Shy O., Stenbacka R. In contrast to Hirschman–Herfindahl index characterizing concentration measure of the industry a new measure helps to determine whether the firm has a dominant position. Undeniable advantages criterion is that its use requires only the shares of the two largest players in the market and that it takes into account the characteristics of the market such as entry barriers. Markets are characterized for which the criterion for dominance and the Herfindahl — Hirschman index give different assessment of the competitive environment. Both indicators are used to assess competition level for Russian coal market. Russian coal market is described to the extent necessary for the task. Some aspects and restrictions of terms «geographic market» and «product market» are revealed.

Lobbying for protection by oligopolists and lobbying coordination

The agents with the similar purposes of lobbying are interested in coordination of their lobbying efforts. Nevertheless, the free rider problem often takes place. In the article the problem of the free rider is illustrated on the example of lobbying for protection by the domestic oligopolists acting as Cournot rivals. It is shown that in the equilibrium with voluntary contribution only firms with smallest marginal costs or greatest marginal costs contribute. As a result, total lobbying expenditure is less than optimum level defined as total domestic oligopolists profit maximization problem solution. Total lobbying expenditures is optimal under share equilibrium and Groves-Clarke mechanism.