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Tokmakova Elena N.

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department, Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev
Orel, Russia

Internet Marketing as a Technology for Achieving the Competitiveness of a Modern Company in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy

The widespread introduction of Internet technologies, the digitalization of the economy have led to a change in the economic behavior of consumers, and online commerce as a new direction for the promotion of goods and services has acquired special importance. It is now much easier and more convenient for consumers to choose a product or service (if there is a computer connected to the Internet). In such conditions, the problem arises of the need to study individual Internet marketing tools and the possibility of their use by companies in order to improve the policy of promoting goods and services and expanding sales markets. In the article, the authors aimed to identify certain aspects of Internet marketing and its tools as a competitive advantage for modern companies using this tool to promote goods and services in certain market segments. The research methodology based on the principle of the dialectical method of cognition, which makes it possible to reveal the logic of the development of the economic system. Within its framework, the following methods were used: monographic (in order to review the development of Internet marketing issues), comparative analysis (when characterizing traditional and Internet marketing), graphical and tabular methods of presenting information (for a more detailed illustration of the material presented). Using the method of abstraction, the advantages and disadvantages of the main Internet marketing tools were identified. The authors revealed the content of the main Internet marketing tools, considered the advantages and disadvantages of their use by modern enterprises, and also provided an algorithm for the development and implementation of some of them. Read more...

The Specifics of Designing the Digital Circuit of a Technology Startup

One of the key driving forces behind the breakthrough development of the Russian economy is technological entrepreneurship. The importance of attention to the development of this area is confirmed by the goals and mechanisms for achieving them formulated in the Concept of Technological Development of Russia for the period until 2030 year. Technological entrepreneurship contributes to solving the most pressing problem at present. It is ensuring the technological sovereignty of the state. The interaction of science and business in the process of creating innovative products and services is supported by an appropriate ecosystem, the goals of which are aimed at activating entrepreneurship, accelerating the delivery of ideas to the creation of a prototype, and then to the final consumer. The article analyzes the specifics of technological entrepreneurship, as well as the ecosystem of its support in Russia. Regardless of the priority group of technologies to which the idea being developed belongs, in the process of creating and launching an innovative product on the market, it is proposed to pay attention to the design of a digital circuit that increases the competitiveness of a startup in the market. The purpose of this work is to determine the principles, specifics and composition of the main elements of the digital circuit of a technology startup, building a matrix of digital tools depending on the stage of product development. The results obtained have both theoretical and practical significance, providing an increase in knowledge in the field of studying and developing technological entrepreneurship and applying the results obtained to design the digital circuit of innovation-based startups. Read more...