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Nechaev Andrey M.

Cand. Sci. (Military), Associate Professor, Digital Economy Department,
Moscow, Russia

Cryptocurrency Market: State, Problems and Prospects

The first cryptocurrency appeared in 2009 and since then, both the number of active cryptocurrencies and the number of owners of crypto accounts have been steadily increasing. Despite the lack of a unified position on the issue of its legalization and the legality of its use for settlements and transactions on a par with “real” money, more and more users, both among individuals and legal entities, are inclined to the prospects of cryptocurrency investments, as evidenced by the investment policy of a number of large Wall Street companies in 2020–2021. Thus, the relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to analyze the dynamics of the young cryptocurrency market, which is developing according to its own laws, which differ from the mechanisms of functioning of traditional markets. The development of the cryptocurrency market is influenced by factors such as the number of investors and the degree of development of blockchain technologies. The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that control the dynamics of the cryptocurrency exchange rate and assess their impact on the current state of the cryptocurrency market. To achieve this goal, such scientific and practical research tasks were formulated as identifying factors affecting the popularity of cryptocurrencies in the world; describing the advantages and disadvantages of using cryptocurrencies; conducting a retrospective analysis of the world experience in regulating the cryptocurrency market and analyzing the dynamics of the value of cryptocurrencies, using Bitcoin as the first and most popular cryptocurrency in the world. Particular attention was paid to the problem of identifying the factor that influenced the downward dynamics of the value of cryptocurrencies since mid-September 2021. When writing the article, such methods as analysis of statistical information, analysis of the dynamics of individual elements of the market, a forecast based on consumer judgments, the study of global strategy directions, and others were used. The result of the study was the disclosure of the influence of a new factor on the cryptocurrency market – energy. Read more...

Effective Data Management as a Competitive Advantage of Business Entity

The relevance of the research lies in the increasing influence of data management efficiency on all spheres of the modern economy. Today, no one disputes the importance of information for ensuring effective management decision-making and sustainable business development. The activity of any organization is accompanied by the collection, accumulation, processing, transmission of data necessary for effective business management and the formation of a corporate interaction environment. The purpose of this study is to identify trends in the development of corporate data management systems that provide sustainable competitive advantages of business. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: identify changes in data management approaches that will provide a sustainable competitive advantage; to develop a universal architectural concept of an effective big data management system at all levels of business interaction; to develop recommendations for the transition of business to the proposed architecture of a digital data management platform. In the process of research, the authors of the article used such methods as theoretical (analysis, generalization, synthesis, abstraction, formalization, concretization) and general philosophical analysis (system method, analysis, observation). The authors use legal methods (formal- logical) as the basis for drawing conclusions. The article discusses the issues of managing integration processes of data management in the context of the development of the digital economy. The problems related to the efficiency of corporate data management at the present stage of development are analyzed. It is shown that the influence of corporate data management functions is characterized by significant features, which is why the effectiveness of their management is evaluated ambiguously at the current stage of economic development. Solving these problems requires rethinking the existing approaches to data management, as well as developing a new architecture of the special tools used. As a result of the research, the concept of a multi-level architecture of a corporate data management system (ecosystem) at all levels of business in any field of activity has been developed, taking into account the economic conditions of the country. Recommendations on the transition of companies to the proposed architecture of the corporate data management system have been developed. Read more...

Performance Evaluation of Application Mob Programming Technologies in IT Project Management

In the modern world, software development companies face a number of problems, such as an increase in the volume of code, an increase in the number of errors, an increase in the complexity of projects and an increase in requirements for quality and speed of development. To solve these problems, it is necessary to reduce costs, increase team productivity, reduce time for testing and debugging code, as well as improve the quality of their products, i. e. achieve competitive advantages by improving project management systems and communication in the team. The aim of the research is to find solutions to achieve competitive advantages of an IT company to improve the efficiency of project management and improve product quality through the use of mobile programming technologies. This approach has not been sufficiently investigated in the context of the Kanban methodology for workflow management. Thus, research in the field of using mobile programming in Kanban allows us to expand knowledge about the possibilities of this methodology and its applicability in various conditions. The article used experimental research, namely conducting experiments to compare the effectiveness of work and communication of teams using mobile programming within Kanban with teams not using this this methodology. The analytical method of research, comparative analysis (to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the Mob Programming approach), the tabular method of providing information, for greater clarity, interviewing was also used. Read more...

The Specifics of Designing the Digital Circuit of a Technology Startup

One of the key driving forces behind the breakthrough development of the Russian economy is technological entrepreneurship. The importance of attention to the development of this area is confirmed by the goals and mechanisms for achieving them formulated in the Concept of Technological Development of Russia for the period until 2030 year. Technological entrepreneurship contributes to solving the most pressing problem at present. It is ensuring the technological sovereignty of the state. The interaction of science and business in the process of creating innovative products and services is supported by an appropriate ecosystem, the goals of which are aimed at activating entrepreneurship, accelerating the delivery of ideas to the creation of a prototype, and then to the final consumer. The article analyzes the specifics of technological entrepreneurship, as well as the ecosystem of its support in Russia. Regardless of the priority group of technologies to which the idea being developed belongs, in the process of creating and launching an innovative product on the market, it is proposed to pay attention to the design of a digital circuit that increases the competitiveness of a startup in the market. The purpose of this work is to determine the principles, specifics and composition of the main elements of the digital circuit of a technology startup, building a matrix of digital tools depending on the stage of product development. The results obtained have both theoretical and practical significance, providing an increase in knowledge in the field of studying and developing technological entrepreneurship and applying the results obtained to design the digital circuit of innovation-based startups. Read more...