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Luchina Natalia A.

Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Business in the Service Sector Department, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM)
Novosibirsk, Russia

Creative Tourism as a Factor in the Development of the Russian Tourism Business

The relevance of the issue lies in the fact that at present, the issues of economic survival and social security of people in all territories are becoming more important than usual. In a situation of limited resources, truly creative ideas get a competitive advantage and support. One of the urgent tasks of tourist areas is the creation of new tourism products and the rethinking of existing ones, taking into account the decrease in the solvency of people and the growing trend of domestic tourism. The purpose of the study is an attempt to unlock the potential of creative tourism in line with new trends in the development of the tourist product, as well as to substantiate the feasibility of promoting this type of tourism not only to meet the new needs of modern tourists, but also to solve the problem of tourism seasonality in certain regions. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to study the existing experience, analyze it and justify creative tourism as a factor in the sustainable development of tourism and overcoming seasonality. Research methods: theoretical analysis of the literature and the study of the regulatory framework in the field of tourism, a systematic approach, which consists in considering tourism as a system that has its own complex structure and is part of the economic system of the region, interacting with other industry systems. As a result of the study, a new approach is proposed to present an effective connection between tourism and creative industries, which has a number of potential opportunities, the result of which goes far beyond the growing demand for tourism experiences. In addition to contributing to the sustainable growth of tourism in destinations, creative events are extremely beneficial because they can be strategically distributed throughout the year, minimizing the problem of seasonality. Thus, increasing the competitiveness of the tourism and hospitality sector. Read more...