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Ushakova Elena V.

Cand. Sci. (Phil.), Associate Professor, Russian Language and Literature Department, Synergy University
Moscow, Russia

The formation and development of entrepreneurs’ communication competence

The article is devoted to the study of the main stages of the formation of communication competence and the technology of professionally oriented teaching the Culture of Speech course to the students doing an Entrepreneurship degree. The need for a high level of communication competence as one of the conditions for the personal competitiveness of an entrepreneur is substantiated. The article presents several components of communication competence – linguistic (normative), functional-stylistic, rhetorical – in accordance with which training is conducted. The importance of the development of communication competence with all the elements of its structure being taken into account is considered, including knowledge of the basic norms of the Russian literary language, the ability to compose oral and written texts in accordance with the functional styles of the Russian literary language; the skill of building reasoned statements; knowledge of speech etiquette means and the ability to choose the most effective of them for business communication. The necessity of professionally oriented teaching of the culture of speech, classroom modeling of real life situations, involving the development of the ability to use various language registers, is emphasized. Since language performs not only the function of transmitting information, but also that of influence, special attention is paid to the rhetorical aspect of communication competence, the basics of logic and theory of argumentation, the preparation of public speech, the formation of the skill to not only correctly, but also logically and convincingly build oral and written speech. The paper proposes methods for conducting classes aimed at developing the communication skills of students, including interactive technologies: situational workshops, trainings, didactic games. Such forms make it possible to increase the effectiveness of students’ engagement in the process of cognitive activity, to develop the skills of group communication, the ability to develop the necessary communication strategy, depending on the conditions and purpose of communication. Read more...

Interactive Forms in Training Sessions as a Factor in Motivating Entrepreneurship Students to Study the Culture of Speech

The article considers interactive forms of organizing training sessions in the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” as part of professionally oriented training of the students of “Entrepreneurship” direction. The article substantiates the necessity of using an activity approach which implies taking into account the communication needs of students and the specifics of their future professional activities. The main difficulties faced by students and teachers in the process of mastering and teaching the discipline are analyzed. It is argued that the condition for the effective formation of communication competence in all its aspects is a practice-oriented approach to the organization of classes that can motivate students to study the course. The article discusses the practice of using interactive forms of teaching in the classroom in the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech”. The paper demonstrates the tasks developed by the authors and outlines the goals and stages of case- studies and didactic games aimed at developing communication skills. The analysis of the use of interactive forms of training was carried out, it was revealed that besides helping students to master the culture of speech they also contribute to the development of team interaction skills, help to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real communication situations, stimulate creative and cognitive activity, and increase motivation for the study of the culture of speech. At the same time, communication skills, speech norms are not learned in isolation, but in the context of certain situations of business communication that are important for the future professional activity of an entrepreneur. Prospects for further research are outlined – the development of teaching technologies that contribute to the formation of a students’ sustainable interest in the discipline and, as a result, the successful mastery of business communication skills in oral and written forms. Read more...