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Tohirov Tohirjon Islomzhonovich


Economic safety management of the region’s motor transport system

The article discusses a number of methodological provisions of the analysis of the process of managing economic security of the region’s motor transport system in the field of realization of transport and economic interests. It is noted that the contradictions of economic interests not only create the prerequisites for the emergence of threats to the vital economic interests of business entities at the regional level, but also the features of the formation of a management system in this area. Accordingly, a system of subjects and objects of management should be created, a set of methods of managerial influence should be determined. The purpose of this study is to solve a scientific problem, which is to develop a new approach to managing the economic security of the region’s motor transport system. The purpose of managing the economic security of the region’s motor transport system is to timely identify and prevent external and internal dangers and threats, ensure uninterrupted operation and fulfill all the tasks set for the national economic importance.The level of economic security of the region’s motor transport system depends on the effectiveness of the economic security management system. The subject of this study is the methods and tools for managing the economic security of the region’s motor transport system, the improvement of which will ensure the necessary level of economic security. A special place is given to methods of economic regulation of relations. The legal form for the implementation of management decisions in road transport should consider the principles of ensuring economic security, which should be developed both for the regional level and for each element of the motor transport system. Theoretical provisions on the organization of management are specified in relation to the motor transport system of the Sogd region of the Republic of Tajikistan. The obtained models make it possible to improve the quality of the assessment of the current state of the motor transport system and the functioning of the economic security management system, within the framework of which the implementation of measures to ensure economic security based on the observance of a number of important principles is envisaged. The effective functioning of road transport affects the successful economic development of the region. The lack of necessary attention to the problem of economic security can adversely affect both the financial stability of an individual enterprise and the entire motor transport system of the region. The formation of a system and mechanism for managing economic security in the region’s motor transport system is a multi-stage task. The region’s motor transport system forms a single chain of cargo delivery, but at the same time they differ greatly in the structure of assets, regulation of activities by the state, and risks. Economic security is ensured through operational monitoring of the actual performance of the motor transport system. Approaches to the management of economic security by the region’s motor transport system should take into account its specificity: first of all, it is a branch of the service sector, and secondly, the systems that provide these services are different. Differences affect the choice of strategy and the mechanism for assessing the level of economic security. Read more...