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Shpilev D.

CEO; E. Nikitskaya, LLC INMARKS

Competitive positions analysis of the Yaroslavl region in the sphere of mechanisms formation for sustainable development in the conditions of innovative transformation of the territory

Competitive positions issues of the Yaroslavl region when forming mechanisms of sustainable development are considered. Innovative activities analysis of the region is carried out. Core drivers for innovative transformation process of social and economic development of the studied object are put forward. The economy of the Yaroslavl region has a competitive resource base (scientific and educational potential, high-tech manufacturing industries, entrepreneurial potential, etc.), which defines the region as a territory capable of adapting to sustainable development. The favorable position of the Yaroslavl region among other regions of the Central Federal district in terms of innovative development is characterized by the fact that the regional authorities determine the innovative development of the region as a priority and aimed at long-term prospects within the emerging process of sustainable development. The authorities of the Yaroslavl region in order to enhance activities in the field of sustainable development are focused more on the solution of one of the key tasks: the implementation of individual economic entities of innovative directions and forms of business development. The creation of network forms of business organization, which are regional innovation-oriented clusters, is necessary for the Yaroslavl region in terms of its ability to provide the regions economy with long-term competitiveness and sustainable development. Innovative active enterprises and infrastructure are concentrated in the developed cities of the region, attracting investments, at the same time, the municipal districts of the Yaroslavl region are experiencing a decline in all directions. The way of innovative development of the region is characterized by the wide introduction of borrowed technologies. In general, the region is forming a favorable environment for the modernization of industrial production on a new basis, attracting investment, the formation of mechanisms of state support for small innovative enterprises. In order to avoid the risk of stagnation of this process, it is recommended, in addition to production, the development of marketing and organizational innovations.