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Smirnov S.

Dr of Philosophy, docent, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management — «NINH»

Entrepreneurial university. The concept

The article describes of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and the analysis of entrepreneurialtype university models. The authors believe that the current economic situation in Russia requires the choice of a further trunk line for the development of the economy and society: either state-based or a private-entrepreneurial development model. The authors adhere to the second line, unfolding their position on the problems of entrepreneurial education. The choice of the entrepreneurial model coincided with the self-determination of the modern university as an institution experiencing a crisis of classical identity and the search for new models and types of university education. To substantiate the model of an entrepreneurial-type university, the authors identify a number of modern trends in the development of higher education: the trend of changing the time frames, the trend of transboundarity, the trend of identity change, the trend of forming the «third mission» of the university. Against this background, the article shows that the choice of the entrepreneurial model of the university is organically connected with the development of entrepreneurship as a phenomenon. The authors understand entrepreneurship following H. Stevenson as a type of thinking and action, which «seeks opportunities beyond the currently controlled resources». This, in turn, means that entrepreneurship is not just about business. The authors show directions of development conducted by Russian universities that build different versions of entrepreneurial education: within the framework of the concept of an entrepreneurial university, through a model of a innovations-type university, and through the introduction of entrepreneurial education in different formats, programs and projects. The article shows the experience of building an entrepreneurial-type university at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management with reference to existing practice and definitions of entrepreneurship. The article also provides data on surveys carried out by the authors among entrepreneurs, showing their attitude to entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial universities. The results of the surveys show the adequacy and timeliness of building the entrepreneurial university model at the present time.