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Vasilev Artem I.

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Rector, Synergy University, Moscow, Russia,
Moscow, Russia

Competitiveness and competition: the problem of interrelationship

The paper considers how a applicability of terminological apparatus of the theory of competition to studying problems of competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures can be applied in accordance with the modern methodology. It discusses the issues unfolding in the scientific periodicals of the discussion on the concept of «competitiveness», describes the role of competitiveness of business actors in the development of business in the space of the competitive environment of the Russian economy. The author draws attention to the need to study the history of the development of ideas about competitiveness in the Russian economic science that reveals the cause of the current status of the theory of competitiveness of economic actors. Special attention is given to questions of determination of level structures the competitiveness of entrepreneurial actors. The article examines the main theoretical approaches to the understanding the concepts of competitiveness and identified fundamental contradictions between them, which allows to successfully progress in solving the scientific problems in the substantiation of competitiveness of the Russian enterprises and the national economy as a whole. On the basis of differentiation of competition and competitiveness of entrepreneurial actors, the author gives the evidence to formulate grounds of competitiveness, and this helps to form a consistent core of the system of theoretical ideas about competitiveness in entrepreneurship.

Competitiveness of the university in the light of competition theory and Russian legislation

The article describes the gap between the understanding of «competitiveness» in the behavioral theory of competition and the use of this term in the current Russian legislation. Based on the analysis of the texts of Russian legislation and by-laws, it will be concluded, how the term «competitiveness » mainly used in legal acts. The article answers the question why, with a large number of scientific papers on the «competitiveness of the university», the overwhelming majority of such works do not contain a clear definition of the university’s competitiveness. Conclusions are made about the dualism of the notion of competitiveness of an economic subject. Competitiveness of the university reveals both its ability and competence to commit competitive actions. The relationship between the concepts of «competitiveness» and «competitive advantage» is revealed. The paper analyzes the theoretical approach identifying the university’s competitiveness with its position in the rating, which is expressed in the implementation of the Project «5 – 100», called to increase the competitiveness of the leading Russian universities among the world’s scientific and educational centers, which in reality only strengthens the stratification of the system of higher professional education.

Competitive environment of modern professional education: historical and chronological context

The article reveals the terminological definition and essential features of the competitive environment. The purpose of the article is to justify that the educational environment of modern professional education is competitive. To prove this thesis, author reveals the historical and chronological context of the development of professional education environment in Europe and the USA, and describes the current state of competitive environment for professional education. Author comes to the conclusion that denial of competitive nature of educational environment in planning and implementing measures of government support for professional education leads to negative consequences for the entire system of professional education.

Triad of competitiveness: resources, processes and results of competitive activities

Article describes two important theoretical and methodological problems of science and practice of enterprise competitiveness management, based on the analysis of scientific articles and monographs on competitiveness. The study of modern scientific approaches to assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise made it possible to clearly identify the error of identification: competitiveness and efficiency (profitability, effectiveness). The article emphasizes the duality of the category «competitiveness», which allows to apply it differently to the assessment of the enterprise and its products. The article shows examples of how these described theoretical problems are reflected in the methodology, developed by scientists to assess the competitiveness of enterprises. To solve these theoretical and methodological problems, the author suggests using the conceptual triad of competitiveness: resources, process and results of competitive activity.

Formalization of the internal university competitiveness management system

The article describes the formalization of the internal university competitiveness management system as a priority criterion for the classification of universities. Three levels of formalization of the internal university competitiveness management system are distinguished and characterized from the point of view of documents and workflow, competitive actions, and other elements of the internal university competitiveness management system. The key to the implementation of the management of the competitiveness of the university is the absence of a substantial gap between: the approved documents; organizational and administrative actions for the implementation of documents, providing planning and monitoring of educational activities; competitive actions for the development and adoption of strategic, tactical and situational management decisions; strategic, tactical and situational competitive actions for the implementation of management decisions.

Competitive competence of top managers of university

The article is devoted to the problem of studying the concept of competitive competences, and its application to top and middle managers of the university. The broad and narrow approaches in determining the content of the concept of competitive competencies are described. The author emphasizes the theoretical difference between the competitive competence of the organization and the competitive competences of the individual. Competitive competence of the organization are disclosed in the framework of the resource base view to the firm. Individual competitive competences are disclosed in the framework of the competence-based approach to HR-management. As applied to the competence model of higher and middle managers of higher education institutions, there is the structuring of competences into universal, general professional, professional and special professional competencies.

Resource based view on assessment of competitiveness of educational organizations

The article describes the history of the development of a resource based view to assessing the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations. The basic concepts of the resource based view are singled out: heterogeneity and limited mobility of resources, resource competitive advantage. The article gives examples of correct and incorrect application of the resource based view to the competitiveness of educational organizations.

The competitive environment and directions of Russian universities competition

This article is devoted to the description of the competitive environment of the educational system of higher education. The directions and forms of competition of Russian universities are revealed in accordance with the constructive theory of competition. The article describes the classical theoretical directions of competition: product, industry, intersectoral, and inter-product competition. Product competition is the competition between manufacturers of interchangeable goods in the same distribution channels. It is a rivalry between competing product brands for distribution, otherwise known as trademark competition. Industry competition is the competition between producers of goods using homogeneous, interchangeable resources. In fact, this is competition for resources between producers of one sector, while there may be no product competition in distribution and sales. Inter-product competition is the competition between substitutes from different industries, that is, between representatives of different industries - manufacturers of products that satisfy the same need. Cross-industry competition is the competition of corporate brands in marketing, the general competition of all brands to attract the attention of a certain segment of consumers. The article shows that all four directions of competition appears in their forms in the activities of Russian universities. The specific forms of competition between Russian universities are revealed. Competition among universities appears in different forms: for social authority and influence; for statuses, titles, and prestige; for exclusive intellectual property, massive data sets, and computing power; for the talents of students; for the talents of teachers; for budget funding; for grant, competitive financing; for donations and endowment funds. Special attention is paid to the forms of competition within partnerships and cooperation between universities. In this form, the bargaining power is used in the distribution of value between the participants in the partnership. Read more...

On normative fixation of rector's competence in management of the competitiveness of Russian universities

The article analyzes the Russian educational and labor legislation, as well as qualification guides and professional standards, in order to determine the regulatory and legal definition of the competence of the heads of Russian universities in managing the competitiveness of educational organizations. The author relies on official sources describing and qualifying the rector’s professional activities in university management in order to identify the requirements for professional managerial competencies that make up the core of the professional leadership of an educational organization, which directly ensure the competitiveness of the university. The author quotes the main legislative provisions establishing the professional status of the rector of a university – the head of a Russian university. As a result of the analysis of legal norms and norms of qualification reference books and professional standards, the author comes to the conclusion that the strategically important competences of higher and secondary leaders of educational organizations to ensure the competitiveness of higher education organizations are currently not represented in the Russian Federation either in qualification reference books or in professional standards. Neither in the state educational standards, nor in the regulatory legal acts of labor and educational legislation. The article concludes with the author’s suggestions and recommendations on the normative reflection in the competences of the heads of Russian universities of the competence in managing the competitiveness of an educational organization. Read more...

Competitive Organizational Competences of the University

The purpose of this article is to reveal the author’s definition of competitive organizational competencies and to offer a tool for its practical perception – a matrix of perception of competitive competencies. For this, the article reveals the terminological difference between competence and competence and confirms the existence of such a difference in relation to not only the individual, but also the university. With regard to the organization, it is also possible to distinguish the knowledge-resource-expert aspect of the organization’s activities and the functional-active aspect. The organization develops collective, distributed, internal abilities (organizational competence) to perform actions that constitute a specific, specific direction of activity (organizational competence). The work describes a matrix of perception of competitive competencies, specially developed by the author, and proposes to use it as an analytical tool for university leaders. The properties of competence, which, on the one hand, reflect its activity content (i.e., the connection with a specific professional activity), and, on the other hand, have a competitive value and make sense in the context of competitive confrontation, are of priority importance. The matrix reflects the degree of proximity of the competence to the core of the business and the degree of uniqueness and specificity of the competence. The matrix of perception of competitive competencies proposed by the author makes it possible to clearly clarify the key, competitive, sectoral, auxiliary (additional), unique competencies of the university. When defining competitive organizational competence, the author discloses two methodological ways to combine competitive and competence-based approaches: to understand competence as a means or as a goal of competition. The author defines competitive organizational competence as a unique organizational ability that cannot be copied by competitors, which allows it to withstand competition at a high level of competitiveness. In this understanding, competitive competencies are not the goal of competition, but a means of competition, an instrument of competition. Read more...