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Shokhireva E.

Postgraduate Student, Omsk State Transport University

Trends of kategory management in the world economy

This article presents directions of consumer market’s changes, as well as the consumer profile and his behavior. The authors cite the major milestones of category management’s origin as one of the promising management methods of commercial enterprise’s business process. The authors make an assumption about trends in category management, including changing relationships between trading partners and duties category manager. The main changes relate to consumer behavior. In this regard, customer-orientation has become the head of the management of the trading enterprise.

Generations Z and how to satisfy their needs in the field of preschool and continuing education

The author believes that the process of formation of product policy, including assortment, in educational institutions of preschool and additional services is practically unstudied. In practice, the formation of educational services occurs randomly, under the influence of the authority of the manager. In fact, the formation of the assortment directly depends on the portrait of the buyer; this is the first thing that the manager of an educational institution should focus his efforts on. In this article, the author touches on a social concept such as generation Z. Sociologists in the context of the evolution of subsequent generations use such a unit.Changing the portrait of the buyer of the current generation directly depends on the decision-making algorithm for the purchase. This trend should be taken into account when creating educational products in preschool organizations and institutions of additional services. The author analyzes and highlights the characteristic features of generation Z and innovative communication tools with these subjects. As an innovative method of forming the product policy of preschool institutions and institutions of additional services, the author suggests using the principles of category management that are used successfully in the field of trade. The hypothesis of this article is the division into customers of educational services and directly by its consumers. Some motives and needs, and the second drive the first by certain requests and expectations. Often children and parents want different things. The author suggests transferring the principles of category management to the sphere of preschool and additional services.