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Fatikhova A.

Junior Researcher,RANEPA, MSU

Priorities for competition policy in Russia until 2030

Setting out the long-term priorities of competition policy, it’s impossible today to discuss them in isolation from industrial policy. New industrial policy is brought to the forefront, and competition values are its central element. In this context the article offers six major trends for competition policy up to the year 2030: a shift to «smart» antitrust regulation, developing competition with the use of IPR, lowering entry barriers, modernizing the regulation of natural monopolies, developing competition in public procurement and the auctioning off of state property, and developing competition on a regional level. Part of these trends are explained through specific measures, while part of them are left up for discussion. A set of short-term measures are proposed as well.

Design and implementation of the concept of comparable markets in Russian antitrust

The possible obstacles are identified for realizing the full potential of the comparable markets method in Russian antitrust and some measures to overcome them are proposed. The paper studies the criteria of market comparability formulated in Russian antitrust law as they relate to the theoretical aspects of the method of comparable markets in its different variations. A number of cases are analyzed that illustrate the main issues of implementing the method which arise from the wording of the norm in Russian law. The chosen wording not only provides a restrictive framework for the implementation of the method of comparable markets, but also influences the understanding of what constitutes the method from a practitioners’ point of view. A number of recommendations are given aimed at improving the current practice of implementing the concept of comparable markets for protecting competition.