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Trushin I.

Postgraduate Student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Horizon of absorption as a key factor in the diffusion of innovations

This article discusses the reasons for the slow pace of implementation of high-tech innovation by traditional industries enterprises. Authors consider the lack of awareness of the level of technological innovation as the main reasons for the slow implementation and usage of innovation by representatives of traditional industries. 
Authors adapt the well-known model of Aghion «distance to the frontier» so, that it can be applicable to inter-sectoral and inter-firm level of decision-making. The resulting model allows in each case (industry or firm) to answer the question: what is more effectively — to develop our own innovation or to implement and use previously developed innovations. 
The closer a company (or industry) is to the «frontier» of technological development, the more benefits it will receive from the development of its own innovation. The greater the distance to the technology “frontier”, the greater the innovation potential of the company (or industry), and the more effective will be implementation and use of previously developed innovations.

About typology of competitive advantage as a result of IT-innovation: case studies of cross-industry innovations

The paper proposes the typology of IT innovations and competitive advantages, created by them, in the context high-tech IT innovations spreading in traditional industries. The typology of IT innovations and competitive advantages, created by them, is proposed according to the criteria of function and area of application of IT innovation. By function criteria IT innovation are divided on «information bridge» and basis for technical innovation. By application areas criteria IT innovation are divided on three types: within the firm; in sectoral / cross-sectoral cooperation; in interaction with state agencies. Thus all ways of cross-sectoral spread of IT innovation divided for 6 patterns. Each of the 6 patterns disclosed in the specific examples. The author examines several cases, describing different mechanisms of cross-sectoral spread of IT innovations, that confirms proposed typology and, at the same time, provide a more realistic, multi-dimensional picture of each pattern.