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Kovalev A.

Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)

Services for the storage of the detained vehicles as sphere of circulation of commodities. Application measures of antimonopoly reaction

In article approaches of judicial authorities of the Russian Federation on consideration of questions of activity of tow pounds when rendering services for storage of the detained vehicles and to determining such services as the commodity market for application of measures of antimonopoly reaction are investigated. The analysis of law-enforcement practice of antimonopoly authorities of the Russian Federation on identification and suppression of abuse of tow pounds is carried out by the exclusive position in the commodity market and on the basis of this practice approaches to definition of the grocery borders necessary for establishment of existence of a dominant position are opened. The author offered approach by definition of such borders for elaboration of its uniform application at excitement and consideration antimonopoly to bodies of cases of violation of the antimonopoly law. Examples of abuses of tow pounds are given by the situation when placing of the detained vehicles on them and possible consequences for drivers at such abuse. By the author it is also suggested about possible existence several tow pounds within one municipality and the right of the driver for a choice of the tow pounds at the placement of his detainee of the vehicle on storage.

Anti-competitive requirements for the selection of persons to provide services for the movement of and (or) storage of detained vehicles

In article legal grounds of carrying out selection of persons for rendering services are analysed on movement and (or) storage of the detained vehicles. The judicial is considered and administrative practice on consideration of questions of free selection of persons for rendering services for movement and (or) storage of the detained vehicles for lack of ensuring equal access for other participants of the market. Practice of certain subjects of the Russian Federation on selection of persons for rendering services for movement and (or) storage of the detained vehicles is investigated, the main approaches, similarities and distinctions between them are noted, and also examples of concrete provisions of such orders containing requirements of discrimination (anticompetitive) character which can bring are allocated to restriction, elimination, prevention of the competition among the persons having intention and possibility of participation in these selections. 
The author formulated prerequisites and the main approaches to expansion of a circle of people which could participate in selections on the right of movement and (or) storage of the detained vehicles, and also to possibility of realization of the right of the driver — the buyer (consumer) “constrainedly“ on a choice of the tow pounds. 
Examples of actions of authorities which not only can lead to violations of the antitrust law are given, but also directly led to such violations.