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Frumina S.

PhD in economic science, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Substantiation of the financial and economic factors of the insurance companies competitive

The article describes the main approaches to the allocation of factors of competitiveness of organizations and offers the author’s study group and the financial and economic factors, competitive insurance companies made in accordance with the M. Porter classification.

Competitive environ ment as a condition of the financial sustainability of insurance market

We consider the definition of «sustainable development», «financial environment», «competitive environment» in relation to the insurance market. Argued the need to maintain a competitive financial environment of the insurance market to ensure its sustainable development.

Analysis of factors and determination of their influence on export competitiveness indicators

The paper analyzes the strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation, containing indicators of export competitiveness. Grouped indicators recommended by the World Bank. The factors of export competitiveness are determined, the change of which may affect the value of the estimated indicators. The significance of the influence of factors of export competitiveness on the indicators stipulated by the Russian strategic documents and international organizations is evaluated. We use dialectical methods of knowledge. Analysis — allows you to compare regulatory legal and advisory documents reflecting indicators of export competitiveness. The analysis also provides for the selection from the entire set of factors of export competitiveness that influence the change in the estimated indicators. Synthesis provides a systematization of indicators of export competitiveness and factors affecting it. Induction — contributes to the development of recommendations for the refinement of indicators contained in strategic documents. Results. The conclusions and proposals formulated in the article can be used by legislative and executive authorities in assessing export competitiveness and making changes to strategic planning documents. Significance. The results of the work determine further directions for improving the state policy in the development of Russian exports and increasing the attractiveness of the national economy in world markets.