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Pokamestov I. E.

PhD Economics, Senior lecturer, MESI, General Director, FACTORing PRO

The competition on the factoring market

This article examines the competitive side of the factoring market, reveals the criteria by which potential customers of a factoring company can make a choice in favor of a fiscal agent. The authors discuss the features of the factors behavior in this financial market.

Competitive environment of international factoring transactions markets

World trade of goods and services demonstrates fast development for several years. Companies from different countries use different tools of trade finance which become competitors for bank products. Different aspects of competition at Russian and international factoring operations markets are examined in this article.

Application of the Competitive Strategies for Restaurant Businesses in the Context of Economy Digitalization

The article is devoted to the problems of increasing the effectiveness of competitive strategies of restaurant business enterprises in the context of society digital transformation. Special attention is paid to the Russian experience of digitalization of restaurants. Domestic catering enterprises in conditions of market turbulence are forced to develop innovative competitive strategies for survival and development, an integral component of which is the business digitalization. This determines the relevance of this study. The purpose of the work is to get an idea of the current trends in the use of digital technologies in the framework of competitive strategies of restaurants. The main objectives of the study: to identify the most popular digital technological solutions used in the field of public catering; to determine the nature of the impact of these solutions on the competitive behavior of restaurants. Comparative analysis, method of analysis and synthesis of information about the restaurant market, methods of analysis of scientific publications, marketing research reports, statistical and expert data were chosen as the methodology of this study. Results: the peculiarities of the transformation of restaurant services in the conditions of digitalization are revealed; the specifics of the use of the most popular competitive strategies of restaurants in Russia at present (the strategy of separation of specialized business, the strategy of a strong integrator) are investigated; the most important types of digital systems used by restaurant businesses to automate management and accounting, to organize interaction with customers and to promote services on the market are identified; an algorithm for analyzing customer experience in the restaurant business is considered; recommendations for improving the efficiency of using digital technologies to strengthen the competitive positions of restaurants in a crisis are proposed. Read more...