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Pinkovetskaia Yu.

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State University

Small entrepreneurship on the markets of perfect and monopolistic competition

The article describes the main aspects of functioning the small enterprises in various types of markets. Most small enterprises conduct their activity in the markets of perfect and monopolistic competition. As the classifier indicators to determine the type of market are: the type of economic activity, on which specialize enterprises and quantity of their employees.


On the question about types and spheres of activity entrepreneurial structures in Russia

The paper presents the results of research activity in the nowadays in the economy of the Russian Federation sector of small and medium entrepreneurship. As the information base used the data of Federal service of state statistic, legislative materials, describe the classification of types of economical activity and production. Show the indicators, describe the quantity of entrepreneurial structures, their turnover and quantity of workers. Present the analysis of indicators, characterize unit weight subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship in the whole indicators of all enterprises and organizations in our country. Offer the distribution of subjects entrepreneurship in the dependence of made by their types of activity. Choose six fundamental industries, in them enterprises and organizations work. Show that the activity of entrepreneurial structures direct on the production of goods and rendering of services. Consumers of production are population, enterprises and organizations of various forms of property. The analysis that made by the author present, that at present exist the predominance among the subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship, that are specialize on the rendering various services. The paper discuss features and basic characteristic of activity in the sphere of services, that define organization and technology of functioning corresponding entrepreneurial structures. Adduce the tasks of development small and medium entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation.

Risk activity subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship

The paper presents the results of research entrepreneurial risk in the activity of subjects small and medium entrepreneurship. As the information base used data of Federal service of state statistic and Federal tax service. Proposed indicators and methodology for assessing current levels of risk in different sectors and regions of the Russian Federation. Made the calculations of acceptable and critical risks of pools small and medium enterprises, specialized on the 13 main types of economic activity. Developed economic-mathematical models describing patterns of differentiation catastrophic risk on entrepreneurial structures located in the regions of the country. Identified types of economic activity of high and low values the level of acceptable and critical risk. It is shown that the current level of catastrophic risk in the activity of individual entrepreneurs is significantly higher in comparison with law enterprises. Given the lists of regions with high and low levels of catastrophic risk in the activities of entrepreneurial structures. Considered a comparative analysis of the average values of catastrophic risk in Russia and abroad. Scientific novelty of the research associated with the development of methods and procedures for assessment of levels entrepreneurial risks proposed criteria for classifying activities of entrepreneurial structures for three levels of risk, rationale for the estimates and the present values characterizing admissible, critical and catastrophic levels of risk. The obtained results will be useful to begging entrepreneurs to assess the risks that may arise in the course of activity. The results of the research can be used to develop business development strategies in different regions and sectors of the national economy.

Regularities and tendencies of financial results in work small and medium enterprises

The paper offer the results of analysis of patterns and trends, characterize the key financial and economic indicators describe the activity of populations of micro-enterprises, small enterprises and medium enterprises, developed by the sector and territorial characteristics. Given the dynamics of change over the period 2010 to 2014 years indicators such as the net financial results of enterprises activity, the share of profitable and loss-making enterprises, the profitability of products produced and sold, the prevailing levels of profit and losses based respectively on one of profitable and unprofitable enterprises. As of the information base used data of Federal service of state statistics. It is shown that during the period under review the share of profitable enterprises accounted for about 80%, with the largest share of profitable enterprises was observed in such sectors as education and trade. Total losses in the enterprise sector accounted for nearly half the achieved profits. Specific values in the net financial results per employee in microenterprises was significantly higher than the equivalent indicators for medium enterprises and small enterprises. The practical significance of the analysis results associated with the possibility of their use directly by the entrepreneurs (especially the beginners) in determining the projected financial-economic results. In addition, they can be used by the departments of regional and municipal management in the development of measures on increase of efficiency of small and medium entrepreneurship, as well as the estimates of expected tax revenues. The results of the research can be used to justify plans and programs for the development of the entrepreneurial sector in different regions and industries of the national economy.

Quantity of Actors Small and Medium Entrepreneurship and Number of Their Employees: Analysis of the Structure

The research urgency is caused by the implementation of the Federal strategy of development small and medium entrepreneurship for the period up to 2030. The aim of the study was to determine the laws specific to the current dimensional structure of small and medium entrepreneurship in Russia. Objectives of the study: to establish the patterns characterizing the number of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs belonging to small and medium entrepreneurship in three size categories, and the number of their employees, changes in the structure of entrepreneurship for five years, the definition of specific indicators number of employees per enterprise, as well as estimation of the distribution of these indicators on the aggregates of entrepreneurial structures. Research methodology is based on consideration of the totality of entrepreneurial subjects, formed according to size and territorial characteristics. During the research, a comparative analysis of the performance of small and medium entrepreneurship in 2015 and 2010 years according to official statistics, based on solid observations of activities of small and medium business. Determined the materiality of structural changes during the period under review. Modeling of the differentiation values of the number of workers per enterprise based on the development of the density function of the normal distribution. According to the results of modeling the mean values of the number of employees for each of the size categories of enterprises, as well as the intervals of changes of these parameters on the aggregates of small and medium enterprises, located in most subjects of the country. The practical significance of research results is associated with the possibility of their use by departments of the regional and municipal administration, involved in formation of projects and programs of entrepreneurship development, as well as the monitoring activities of the entrepreneurship sector.

Industrial specialization of subjects small and medium entrepreneurship in Russia: employment analysis

The paper deals with the results of assessing the current specialization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia by types and subspecies of economic activity. Information on the number of employees employed in such enterprises was used to assess specialization. In addition, the specific number of employees per enterprise for the eight most significant types of economic activity was studied. The data of continuous monitoring of small and medium-sized businesses for 2015 conducted by the Federal state statistics service is used as an information base. It is shown that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs specialize not on all, but only on certain subspecies of activity. The branch structure of activity of small and medium enterprises is defined. The current number of employees employed in one enterprise is significantly differentiated depending on the specialization of enterprises in different types of economic activity, as well as the territorial location of these enterprises. The research resulted in new knowledge and tools to assess the current specialization of SMEs in industries and regions. This information can be used in studies on the economy and business management, as well as to substantiate programs for the development of the business sector at the Federal, regional and municipal levels.

Production function characterizing the turnover of small enterprises in the regions of Russia

The solution of problems regulation of entrepreneurship sector of economy puts forward among the most urgent problem of determining the reserves of its growth in each of regions in Russia. The aim of the study was to assess the two-factor production function, describing the dependence of the turnover of small enterprises in the regions on wages of employees and investments in fixed capital. A production function similar to the Cobb-Douglas function without scale constraints was evaluated. The study was based on empirical spatial data characterizing the activities of small enterprises, including micro enterprises. Official statistical information on 82 regions of Russia for 2017 was used. The study allowed to prove the high quality of approximation on initial data obtained by the twofactor production function, to prove that the economy regions of Russia has not reached saturation with small enterprises. The advantages of choice as a factor in assessing the production function small entrepreneurship in regions of flow of investment and wages of workers and spatial data for one year are shown. The developed production function is an effective management tool that allows you to establish the effectiveness of the use of financial and labor resources by small businesses in Russia and specific regions. The results of the study, namely new knowledge to assess the production activities of small businesses, have scientific and practical value. They can be used in research, monitoring the business climate, determining resource needs, substantiating plans and programs for the development of small business in Russia.

Entrepreneurial education in modern national economies: expert opinions

The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of implementing the main directions of entrepreneurial education in 54 countries, according to experts from these countries. The study is based on information provided in the report on the Global entrepreneurship monitoring project for 2018. In the course of the research, models were developed that describe the performance indicators of two areas: teaching entrepreneurship to schoolchildren and entrepreneurial education of adults, including professional and higher education. The density functions of the normal distribution are used as models. The results of the study allowed us to determine average values and ranges of variation for most countries the values of the indicators on a scale of ten experts opinions about the effectiveness realized in modern economies, directions of entrepreneurship education. Countries with high and low values of each indicator were identified. It is shown that higher efficiency ratings are noted for the entrepreneurial education of adults. Experts were more pessimistic about the achievements in the field of entrepreneurial training of schoolchildren. A comparative analysis of the values of these indicators for Russia and foreign countries is given. It is proved that the values of each of the considered indicators are significantly differentiated across 54 countries. The absence of links between the values of each of the considered indicators and such factors as the level of income of the population in specific countries and their geographical location is confirmed.

Assessment of Gender Differences Characteristic of the Main Stages of Entrepreneurial Activity

The article is devoted to the actual problem of the existing differences in the entrepreneurial activity of women and men. The aim of the study is to assess the current levels of participation of women and men in business activities in modern national economies. The study solved the problems of determining the values of indicators that characterize the initial stage of entrepreneurship, stabile entrepreneurship, as well as the exit of entrepreneurs from their businesses. As a starting point, the study used the results of surveys conducted in 59 countries during the implementation of the Global entrepreneurship monitoring project. In the course of the work, the assessment of nine indicators characterizing such stages as start- up and stabile entrepreneurship, as well as the termination of this activity, was considered. The study developed functions that show the distribution of indicators across 59 countries that describe the proportion of women and men in the three main stages of entrepreneurship. In addition, gender differences in these three stages were assessed. The results showed that in most countries there is a gender gap between the indicators of entrepreneurial activity, that is, women participate in it to a lesser extent than men. Comparing the values of indicators for Russia and foreign countries showed that both women and men in our country are less interested in an entrepreneurial career in contrast to other countries. The results obtained are new and original. They have theoretical and practical implications for governments and entrepreneurs. The methodological approach to assessing gender differences in entrepreneurship presented in the article can be used in further research. The new knowledge gained is of interest and can be used in the educational process at universities. Read more...

Assessment of the Reasons for the Termination of Company's Operations in a Pandemic 2021

The relevance of studying the problem of entrepreneurs leaving their business has increased significantly in recent years due to the fact that under the influence of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, this process has significantly accelerated. Therefore, one of the possible reasons for the termination of entrepreneurial activity starting in 2020 is the negative consequences of the pandemic, along with other possible positive and negative options for leaving the business. The purpose of the study was to assess the opinion of entrepreneurs who have ceased their activities about the reasons for this according to the results of surveys conducted in a number of countries in 2021. The objectives of the study were: formation of a database of initial data reflecting the opinions of retired entrepreneurs about the reasons for this; development of mathematical models describing the distribution of empirical data across different countries; evaluation of the values of indicators characterizing the exit from business for positive reasons, as well as negative reasons related and unrelated to the pandemic. The initial data were the results of a survey of entrepreneurs in 47 countries during the work on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring project. An assessment of four indicators characterizing the positive and negative reasons for the termination of their activities by entrepreneurs was carried out. Empirical data modeling based on the development of normal distribution density functions was used to evaluate the indicators. It is proved that the majority (58.1%) of all entrepreneurs who stopped their activities did so for negative reasons, but not related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is proved that almost a quarter (23.7%) of all entrepreneurs who stopped their business were forced to do so due to the negative consequences of the pandemic. It is shown that only one in six entrepreneurs who stopped their activities had positive reasons for leaving their business in 2021. The obtained results make a significant contribution to the existing knowledge about the reasons for the termination of entrepreneurial activity in modern national economies. Read more...